Feb.23th,2025 18:39:49
Home > Louis Vuitton > Women > Handbags > Shoulder Bags and Totes > NEVERFULL MM Low Budget #LB-N41358

Louis Vuitton NEVERFULL MM Low Budget

Style: #LB-N41358
Brand: Louis Vuitton
Customer Review:


  • Damier Ebene Canvas
  • Monogram Canvas
RRR:US $162.00
Now: US $129.00
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12.6 x 11.4 x 6.7 inches

32 X 28.9 X 17 CM 
(Length x Height x Width) 

- Redesigned interior with Louis Vuitton archive details
-Textile-lined inside pocket
-Removable zippered clutch with matching interior
-Natural cowhide leather trim
- Golden color metallic pieces


If you want to buy a good replica bags, but you only have Low Budget, this bag will be your good option.

This item is from another supplier. Even  not from our own factory, but it's quite cost-effective.  These photos are taken by the supplier. We guarantee that what we will send is same as shown . Thus  if without any quality problem, we don't accept return and refund for this kind of Low Budget bag.

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