Gucci bags, which originated from Italy in 1921, are famous for its superior, luxurious and sexy design. Buying Gucci bags/handbags/purses from here, it’s really a good choice for you.
This Gucci Sukey Medium tote bag is from that of Gucci new arrivals catogory.This bag is made of guccissima leather, which features embossed GG patterns.There are interlocking GG charm and studs on this Gucci tote bag.The special shape and delicate decoration makes the Gucci bags on sale attractive.
Each Gucci Sukey Medium Tote With Detachable Interlocking G 211944-GRY comes with a serial number, Gucci dust cover, Gucci receipt, Gucci care booklet and Gucci authenticity card. All markings and accessories are exact.
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