The Chanel 2.55 Classic Flap Bag A01112-RED, chic yet classic, has always be claimed as the innovative line of Chanel. It is worth of investing due to its elegant look and functionality. Perfect for stylish women, it will light up any outfit. Replica chanel classic flap bag is a perfect designer tote for all occasions that can also reveal your social status.
Each Chanel 2.55 Classic Flap Bag A01112-RED-black comes with a serial number, Chanel dust cover, Chanel receipt, Chanel care booklet and Chanel authenticity card. How can you refuse such a classic Chanel bag?
Size: W25.5 x H16 x D7 (cm)
from sf
What is your gender? : Female
What is your age? : 25-29
How often do you shop at ( : Frequently
US $243 US $167.00
US $425 US $269.00
US $385 US $239.00
US $233 US $161.00
US $239 US $169.00
US $221 US $159.00
US $228 US $159.00
US $228 US $169.00
US $228 US $169.00